Some Pics from past days...not in chronological order

This is a courtyard of sorts between two apartment buildings.. They used to be stables in the early 1700s. The far wall is the back wall of an old sculpture studio.

This is a pic of somewhere I ended up via the 6 train downtown.. Was looking for Fraunces Tavern (where Washington gave his Farewell Address to the troops I think :)  It is 3rd Ave and 14th Street. I found out that I needed to transfer and go into Brooklyn and I wasn't into all that (Subway Fares are $2.25)
This is a sign in Tisch Hospital... I pronounce it everytime I see it! (Can you say ADD or OCD or something like that?!)
This, my Friends, is the inside of the famous Carls Steaks! Lincoln told me a few minutes ago (11 am) that he wants ANOTHER one for his first meal, post-op!

This is a quick video of Lincoln being pleased his electrodes are off :)


  1. um did my little cousin jsut throw up duces at the end of the video...what a gangsta!!


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