Nothing New

Nothing new to report.  He is still sleeping and when he's not sleeping he's throwing up or peeing.  He' still not the Lincoln we all know and love yet...he must still be at the caterpillar stage and will soon be a majestic, MANLY butterfly.   I wish he'd start feeling better soon.



  2. Oh its so hard to watch when they feel like shit. But he soon will spread his arms and hug you and nag you and all will be good, You need to rest too my dear there alot head. Kiss cole for me and tell him cant wait to go on a mission with himm. love you!!!!!!!

  3. I saw Sister Janette today, and she said she's still praying for Nicholas. She's an 80 year old nun who's a bit hard of hearing. When I talked to her over the phone, she heard Nicholas instead of Lincoln! LOL! Interesting how many letters are the same! Well, she's still praying, but for the right name now! BTW, St. Nicholas is the patron saint "protector" of children(: Another one of those tiny miracles! Love you all!

  4. steph and andy i remember working in the nicu it took a few days for the anesthesia to wear off, hang on to the little signs they are all good! the meds are working to keep him calm and let everything regenerate he needs that right now. pee is good!! it means kidney and bladder function. its all good!! love you all miss eva seeing her in video. happy bday steph i'm hugging you right now xo

  5. Finally made this MF work! So sorry about the tired, sad day. Throwing up seems so scary when they seem so delicate. Chris did after his surgery for a day, and I laughed, of course, SO nervous he'd pop some important stitch, or bleed or worse. He SWELLED and turned purple, and it was hard to hide my fear (should this be on your e-mail instead????). Look at Captain Underpants now (he likes K to call him "Captain Daddy"). Talk about the right side taking over!!!!
    I guess I will have explaining to do, but it will be entertaining (or shocking) to Lincoln. Fun stuff.

    Well, Oprah, there's only so much you can eat, so maybe its time to take your own long nap and wake up to more strength.

    Can't stop loving you all,


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What support you have. I am so happy to know that others have gone through what you are going through and have such words of wisdom. Have walked in your shoes and have made it on the other side with "Manly" or "Womenly" butterfly's.
    Love always,

  8. You all need some R & R! He needs to rest to regenerate, and you are going to need the rest because once he is feeling better again he is going to have you on the run again! Just try to rest and eat something (Drinking is not out of the question either, it is your b-day). Happy B-day! We are still sending all our love and strength to you all! Remember anything you need!!!!!

  9. Stephanie,
    I don't know if this is hopeful or not, but I think Cesare didn't truly get back to being himself for six months or more. But, since his surgery, everyone who knows him says it is like he has come out of a six year long coma. And it's true. He still has seizures, but they are much better and he is learning and growing and maturing. I remember Howard saying that the tissue he removed was spongy and distorted. How wonderful to visualize that bad tissue being gone, and to know that children's brains compensate for the missing tissue. I'm sure Lincoln's recovery will be even more intense than Cesare's, but have hope. The brain is AMAZING. I think you mentioned reading that book... I forgot the name about brains that heal themselves. It will happen!! I think it will take time. But in time, you may be amazed at who Lincoln can become. Gee, seems as tho we should really meet Lincoln!! Griff has been emailing Eva, and would like to meet her, too. Let us know if a visit to the hospital would be too much. We'd be happy to come.

    We're with you,
    Amy and family

  10. Hi, Steph, Andy, Lincoln and Eva -
    Thanks to facebook, we've reconnected after way too much time has passed, and your mom, Steph, shared the address of your blog. Your story is so beautiful, tender, loving, strong and magic. You have all been through so much, and your positive spirit is such an inspiration. The love you have for Lincoln and for each other is a joy to witness. Your blog, with its beautiful writing and photography, is a gift to all who are lucky enough to share this journey with you. The best is yet to come, and you shall all live happily ever after. I said so.
    I love you!

  11. PS - Happy Birthday, Stephanie!!!! You are so loved by so many - hope you can feel the hugs!

  12. Dutch here to greet all of you. Holly shared your blog with me and I am so glad she did. I have been sitting and reading in stunned amazement. I think I had forgotten how much love, hope and joy there is in the world until this morning. I am so touched by the magical entity that is your family. I can't imagine anything but a brighter future for Lincoln and his loving family. This trial will pass and he will emerge stronger and healthier than ever before. Ever forward.
    Love to all. Thank you.

  13. hey man, i hope you are feeling better and im so sure that god and all his angels are watching over all of you guys right now. And i hope you feel better lincoln because i can't wait until you come home.

  14. I just realized we could post!!!!! Today is a new day and I know it will bring lot's of new victories for all of you. We are all there with you, hovering like bees, blowing kisses and surrounding you with love!
    Can you feel it?!?

  15. yes, i can feel it - and thank you all so so much. It's a pretty crummy day here and hearing all of your voices makes me feel so much better. i really can't thank you all enough.


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