
OMG we didn't think we could LOVE YOU any more - but there you go - proving us wrong!  THANK YOU so much all of you who have commented on Eva's last post on her blog.  And thank you Mama B ; ).
She's just beginning to learn how to express herself, and it doesn't come easily.  She's frustrated.  Thank you for your LOVE and PATIENCE.  The girl has a story to tell, it's just going to take some time to get it out.  We love you so much - thank you for supporting her too.

(can you tell I'm having fun playing with caps for emphasis?)


  1. I have no doubt that she will tell her story when she is ready. Her little brain just needs time to figure out what it is she is feeling. Once she can express herself and let her thoughts out, there will be no stopping her. She is a tough little cookie, just like the rest of you! Love the pictures of Lincoln at the Lake. I miss that place, will need to visit it again soon. It looks so peaceful. Reminds me of all the times we spent there as kids, makes me mellow. OK, enough, keep up the good work! Love you all,

  2. hi Lovie - yea - i think of our big 4th of july parties as kids, makes me miss mark. :(


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