He's in Training

Andy gave me a wonderful gadget that tells how far we've walked, our average pace and the amount of calories burned (calories are calibrated to me - but he (Lincoln) believes it's the same for him - maybe it is - who knows?). We used it twice today. It's very motivating for him. We took an average paced walk to the lake and back. Then tried to beat that time on our second walk of the same trail later in the day. He came in three minutes faster on the second walk. Here are our stats for the first walk (I can't find the data from the second walk):

Distance: 1.48miles
Time: 40:38
Pace: 27'23"minutes per mile
Calories: 139 (now I can have another Dunkin Donuts light and sweet)

So he totaled about three miles with both walks. It's a start and hes sooooo motivated to improve now that he sees the numbers.

More observations:
1. He has lost all of his peripheral vision in his left eye. He cannot see me walking beside him on the left. He lists to the left when we walk. I assume that's from muscle weakness on that side and that he can't see over there?? Hopefully this will improve.

2. We celebrated too soon about him getting some use back in his fingers. I've learned that that is residual "tone" from the right arm/hand going over to the left. Don't really understand this completely, but it makes some sense because once he's "squeezed" with the left he cannot open up that hand - he has very high tone. Still no use of the hand, but it's early yet - we're very optimistic. He is working out quite a bit. My next goal is to get him swimming lessons in our pool. It can't be a cold pool because then he tightens right up.


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