a BIG WALK followed by exhaustion

I took Andy's advice let him do whatever he wanted if he agreed to work on his arm, hand and leg.  So we've had several short "therapy sessions" so far today.  He even did a 'long sit' for me.  Carol, OT, came up with the brillian idea of using our dog's leashes as the long-sit straps. (I'll post a picture of this soon).  Lincoln was not thrilled but it worked really well.  He got a good stretch in his hamstrings and heel cords.

We also took a LONG walk into the woods and back.  He was determined to get to the lake on foot and not in the car.  I was afraid the skies would open and pour on us while we were down there.  But he did it!  It's a long walk for someone with a new, weakened body, about a half mile round trip and half of that is uphill.   I jokingly said, "Why do you want to go that far (worried for him)?  What, are you training to hike the Appalachian Trail?"  To which he responded, "HELL YEA."   And then I realized that he acutally was planning on hiking it with his dad someday.  I had forgotten.

On our walk I asked him if he regretted having the surgery( because he's lost his arm and hand).  He said that no he didn't regret it and he's glad he won't have epilepsy anymore.  (I'm crossing my fingers.)

He's sleeping now.  I really worked him HARD.  And the day's not even done!


  1. Way to go Lincoln!! Sounds like you accomplished great things today!

    Hell yea!



  2. Wow Lincoln you must of felt so free to be able to go and not have someone say no. Dad sounds very wise Mom your doing a hell of a job . Miss Eva please email me ive not found your blog . Forgive me little one.

  3. Lincoln, you surprise me more and more everyday! When I saw you yesterday, the progress, your beautiful full smile, that appetite (AND BELLY), and you walked without help, I could not believe it is less than a month since your surgery. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!


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