and to all a good night...
We're closing down shop for the night. L looks very very tired. We're getting ready to watch Transformers - Revenge of the loves Shia Labouf (sp??). Mama B and Eva made it safely and Steph and Eva enjoyed some time on the town....American Girl Store (you could actually walk through it), the tree in Rockafellor Plaza (sp?), and the windows at Sacs, sacks, sax 5th avenue. (I really should care more about my spelling...but really....who cares right now?...). Eva had a big, hot pretzel from a street vendor, which she dropped before even putting it in her mouth. Mom had roasted chestnuts.
Tomorrow we see our real doctor and hopefully he has talked with the surgeon. Hopefully they will have discussed other options if this VEEG attempt doesn't work.
We have a new roommate, our 3rd. He is a beautiful little boy named, Rueben.
Oh ! so exciting! Lincoln got a lot of email letters from classmates and even students who he doesn't know. So so sweet!
Stay well everyone. Thank you all so much.
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