Ugghhh.  Last night he was officially up until 3am.  Then woke up with a start at 3:20 - we thought it was the beginning of a seizure.  It wasn't.  He fell right back to sleep until 4am when a baby was admitted in our room.  The baby cried and Lincoln did a little too.  He just wanted to SLEEP.  He didn't fall back asleep until around 5am.  We woke him up at 9.  He's miserable now.  So tired.  I'm tired too.  Andy too.  Andy left about an hour ago.  We miss him.  I miss Cookie and I even miss the dogs, especially Louis.  Musicians and dancers from Julliard (sp?) were in the playroom.  They were amazing.  At first L held his hands over his ears because he  couldn't handle the volume (I guess)...I really enjoyed it.  No big plans for today.  L will have lunch and then I'm making him take a nap.  I'm even boring myself with this post.  Andy took this pic of him sleeping.  The baby on the other side of the curtain has TS, it's the disease/syndrome that Dr. Weiner is discussing on the YouTube clip in last night's post.

Thank you for your prayers.


  1. hi guys! sorry about your rough night. snowed here all day yesterday, got about 3 inches. cousins night was a blast, not the same w/o the murphs and m. diacetis', but you all were in our thoughts. did you get our prayers for the big "S", because we all sent them!! huge hugs and kisses to you both.

    with lots of love,
    alicia and family

  2. Hey, Steph, Andy, and especially Lincoln! We're following here, and sending you our love and support. Let's hope that seizure comes soon so you all can take a short breather...

  3. Well that stinks that everyone had a rough night! But on the flipsidr maybe all the interruptions will spur a seizure.
    We had our Christmas parade yesterday, all of us were in it, Cat was an elf for Brownies Belle was a reindeer for Daisys( I am her troops leader so I walked with her) and Jeff & Chacha were on the Men of York float! Ha ha ha!
    It snowed on us which was realy cool!
    Hoping for a seizure for you today, the girls are praying for you to have one even though they don't undertand why. That's okay because I think when kids pray they get results!!! :)
    We are off to chop down a Christmas tree, hoping our story above helped to entertain and or distract you for a little bit!
    Okay so the next time you post I want to read that you had a seizure!
    Peace out for now!
    Kara & Family

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Lincol...
    How are you right now? Just wanted to drop a note to let you know we have been checking in to see if there have been any new developments, and you have been constantly on my mind.


  6. Lincoln, you are SO cool, I wish I was your dad!! OH! WAIT A SECOND.... I AM your dad!! I'm not sure if that makes me or you the "Luckiest Man in the World"..alright, alright.. it makes ME the luckiest man in the world! Hell yeah! I miss you too much for mere words to describe. I missed you from the mili-second after I kissed you goodbye...ugh.. this isn't helping! So, dude... The Dolphins beat the Cheatriots today! (the only time I like the teal and fake-tan fish) That's cool. I realized tonight at about 6 that I haven't eaten a;; day! So to make up for it I had THREE bowls of spaghetti (and I'm not sure what month it was first boiled into submission, either) and washed it down with some sun chips and abour 11 pru--uhmm.. dried plums :) Yeah, wish me luck with that... Ok, my little Hay Seuss.. Yo te quiero! Y tu mama tambien ;) Buenas Noches, Mi Hijo!!!

  7. Hi everyone - this is stef still. I really don't know how to post back to you but i certainly have the time to learn...

    Thanks for all of your post.

    we love them - and he feels SO SPECIAL..wait til i show him that he now has 17 followers! It was 13 the last time he checked.

    We really do love you all!


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