The Morning After

Hi, Stephanie here.  Andy and I met with Dr. Howard Weiner, L's surgeon, yesterday.  He spent a lot of time with us.  Very, very congenial, grounded man.  Like him a lot.  A bit sleep deprived on this end.  Bed at 2am and up (finally) at 8am.  I started waking him up at 7 ( which means I was up watching the clock at 6) - he wouldn't have it.  The attending just came in and asked so sweetly (growl) if I "wouldn't mind keeping him up later tonight?".  So the plan for tonight is 3am and wake him up around 7.  This makes doing anything productive the next day pretty hard..(like thinking...and writing....).  The EEG tech is going to start trying to induce  a seizure with her magical ways: strobe lights and hyperventilation (never worked in the past - but let's remain positive, shall we?).Typically during the days I like him to read and do some math with I'll be happy if he's dressed.  Think I will start drinking coffee again (GASP! NO!) Yes indeed, if I'm going to be on top of my game, I need some chemical help.  Just looked at the time.  They have a wonderful Activity/Play Room here, which is staffed with nurses, volunteers and art therapists, etc.  Lincoln gets plugged into the wall and video monitored while here.  This means that I AM FREE for about an hour.  May shower, or explore the city - or both!


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