It's amazing how quickly your mood can change.  I put him to bed at 4:30am.  He protested, told me he wasn't tired.  He fell asleep immediately.  He woke up for breakfast around 9:30 and then back to bed.  So now my job is to wait....and wait ...and wait for a I force him to stay up for the sleep deprivation to work tonight?  No idea....but I'm tired so I'm going to let him sleep.  

The good news is I finally met with one of our  doctors, Dr. Singh.  I love love love love this woman.  When she ends a phone call she says,"Give my love to Lincoln."  She came in today and apologized up and down for the technical (human) error on Sunday night.   She couldn't apologize enough and told me to make sure I complained to Dr.Devinsky.  She is under the impression that because the surgery is taking out so much that it really isn't necessary to find the exact origin of the seizures....but we all want MORE's a whole half of his brain...will we ever feel like we have enough info....?

Eva and Mama B come in today.  I'm going to nap.  Aren't you jealous....I can nap and not feel guilty about it.


  1. Been waiting for this post all morning! You have NOTHING to feel guilty about. Sleep all day if time permits. Thinking of you ALL the time, sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Keep the faith. Hang in there Lincoln! Much love, Cousin T.

  2. so sweet! we did sleep all day. He woke up at 3pm and I've been reading and napping. Quite luxurious! Now if they would only FEED me! I can't leave him when he's sleeping and he slept all day! love you!!

  3. Hello!
    Been checking in when I can. I have etonline, and, I have to know the scoop of the celebrities, when Suri wears heels, Tiger Woods (who new), thoughten he was squeeky. But now! the number one celebrity on my favorites is the creater of Planet X Origins, adventures of knifarine!

    Looking forward to the new post. Cute new picture of you and your dad.

    Thinking of you!
    The Montenas

  4. Thanks! - that was from Lincoln. Huge huge koolaide smile when I showed this to him. You made his night. : )


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