This and That...

Eva and I are under the impression that you have to be a "follower" of a blog to leave a comment...I'm not sure...

A HUGE thanks goes out to all of you that are leaving comments for Lincoln and for Eva (her blog is:  These comments put a big Kool-Aid smile on both kids' faces, and are a life-line between Lincoln and the outside world when we're in the hospital (okay, they keep me going too).

We have a date set, as you know:  April 1st Lincoln returns for another Video EEG ( we'll ask for you to please pray for a seizure during this time), and he has the surgery on April 7th (please pray, please pray, please pray, please pray).  Aaannnnndddd Miss Eva is going to spend this time with her cousins in Maine....Thank you Kara, Jeff and girls....she is beyond excited.  Knowing that she's happy and loved is a HUGE relief for us.  It's a hard time for her, this adventure makes her feel special.

Andy and I decided to have a little more fun this weekend with the kids because we know it will be a while before we can all play together.  We took the kids and some of their friends on a "bungy" jump on Saturday.  Lots of fun. (Can you tell the harness hurts the "boy goods" on poor Lincoln?) We bowled today as a family.  What Fun!  We loved it.  I could really be a bowling alley rat - love the disco lights, loud 80's rock music and pizza and soda. Good times.

Thanks everyone for reading and praying.


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