Suggestions for posting a comment

Hello! I have had problems successfully posting comments, and I have heard from some of you complaining about the same thing (this is Andy, BTW).. So, here is what I do:
First, I click on the Comments 0 (or 1 or 7... whatever) and it brings up the comments, if there are any, and a box to add your own comment.
Second, I type in my comment. THEN I select the entire comment and COPY it--after losing a number of lengthy comments, I started doing this as a precaution)
Third, I click Publish Comment..or Post Comment... or OK, or Hell Yeah.. whatever the "SEND" command says...
Next, I check to see if the comment actually posted. I do this by going to the blog's Homepage, REFRESHING it, and then going to the post to see if my new comment was added successfully. If it wasn't, I go through the motions again, but this time I just have to PASTE my comments in the box, instead of re-writing the whole darn thing... It shouldn't happen, I know... but it does sometimes..
Oh, and you can sign in with your Gmail account name AND password (don't create a new password... you are using your Gmail [Google] account to access Blogger, so type your Gmail password there.. You can also use AOL, Yahoo.. whatever it says you can use to create an account, or just to sign in to post a comment..
Hope this helps!!


  1. I sure hope this works! Seriously, after such wonderfully clear directions, I can't see how I could screw it up??!! Well, here goes....!!!

  2. I finally figured out how to log back in. Lost my password, now have a 3rd new pass word, this time wrote it down. Hopefully wont loose paper? will be following your blog from Now through April 7th! Wish you all the luck in the world!

    Thinking of you!

  3. Andy,

    Re comments. make your comment, then hit preview. It usually says 'your comment couldnot be published, please try again'. Just hit preview again. it will either publish your comment or ask you to type in the letters you see on your screen. Works for me.

  4. okay all you computer geeks out there following this, if I can do it anybody can. I have yet to have trouble (watch now I will not be able to do it again). Just follow the proceedures and it works.


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