
We meet with both surgeons today.  Today is the first time that we meet with Dr. Harder, he and Dr. Weiner work as a team.

Today Lincoln is wearing the purple shirt that he got from last year's Epilepsy Walk in DC. All the walkers were given t-shirts, but the people with epilepsy were given purple ones.  He met and had his picture taken with Alan Faneca of the Jets.  Alan has epilepsy also.  This weekend is the Epilepsy Walk in DC again - we're not going because we have too much going on  - but we'll shoot for next year.

Stay well.


  1. I have my purple on today too! I have been trying to spot out the people wearing purple and giving them "yeah thats right! or you go!" look. I can't tell if one has choosen from their closet just to wear, or because it has meaning! I definetly get some odd looks (nothing new for me though). But I am wearing mine proudly for meaning. AND I am wearing with brown pants. I don't think I match! oh well all for a good cause, and a great feeling.

  2. So I asked the Lady wearing Purple! come to find out she is just wearing purple. BUT, I informed her of what today was, and now she knows, and she was happy about participating. I thought this was a need to know.

  3. Yea!!!!! you are a real Epilepsy Ambassador! Thank you! Love you tons! (and with brown pants...wow - you must really be a supporter!)


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