Lincoln Sleeps

a lot.  He'd sleep all through school if he could.  But what middle schooler wouldn't? He goes to the nurse for daily naps.  His Neuropsychologist at Sunnyview thinks it's to be expected because of the size of the surgery, but his neurologists at NYU think it's not.  They think his meds might be too high.  So today he had blood work done to tell us if his level is high.  If so, we take him down 100mg per day.  We just got home and he's sleeping again.  I should be studying but my brother guilted me into updating the blog.  I love this blog, but I stay away from it when I don't have the time to write like I'd like to.  So I write about turtles.

Our dear, dear friend and expert OT/Certified Hand Therapist got Lincoln a JAS brace (joint activate system - I believe) for the contracture in his left heel cord.  He had to be fitted for it and our insurance pays for it for three months.  His foot and lower leg are strapped into this brace for 30 minutes at a time, three times a day.  Every five minutes we have to check on the amount of stretch it's giving him, and adjust accordingly (see the knob).  Lincoln is a trouper and we usually increase the stretch every five minutes.  This brace is a godsend. Thank you, Carol.

He gets OT and PT at school and is now getting three days of  PT after school.  He is very busy and working very hard.  The arm IS coming back.  I'll have to post a video to show you.  But he still has a very long way to go.

Eva is doing very well in 5th grade, and loving travel soccer.  I don't like to put a lot of pictures of her up  on the blog because I'm too paranoid about cyber creeps, me crazy, but too bad.

Love you all!


  1. YOU! CRAZY??!!
    You're not~ about this, anyway.

  2. DITTO BIG DADDY!!!! More parents should thing the same way.


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