Buckle Fracture

It's called a buckle fracture and it's common in kids after hard falls. The bone 'buckles' because it's still soft and not brittle.  Lincoln now sports a cool red cast.  His sister has already signed it.  He fell again in the doctor's office as we were leaving.  I'm not sure if he's going to be able to take adaptive snowboarding lessons again this year.  That would really cause some damage to an already compromised wrist.  If that's the case it really, really stinks.  We'll find out tomorrow...

This is not Lincoln's x-ray, but looks just like his.


  1. My wrists are limp too. Could run in the family. But hey.....I can still jump from a plane!! I'm making no sense and trying to be funny.

    Is the boy ok?

    Hugs, love guncle me

  2. I have checked this blog for days and weeks and months, nothing seemed to be going on, so no news is good news. I know Lincoln's Birthday is tomorrow, let me see, if there is an update, well am I surprised, Yes!!!!

    If your going to have a cast, and I agree no time is a good time, but why not have happy birthday wishes written on it... So you will have it forever.

    Happy Birthday Lincoln.


  3. What the heck happened? When we "spoke" the other day, you didn't think anything was broken! Take it from one who knows, you can become very powerful with a cast on your arm! Lincoln's sounds much cooler than my old white one! Happy Birthday, Lincoln. You have a lot to celebrate this year, enjoy! Hugs and Kisses


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