I'm Jealous

No, not of Bennie, silly!

I know I shouldn't be

(click on the link above ; )

I wish that Lincoln was far enough along to benefit from this therapy.

It's  long, but worth watching.
Brendon is adorable and reminds me of Lincoln at that age.


Aunt Kara is pregnant and was due on December 10th.  
Maybe she'll pop the little bugger out on Saturday,  
Lincoln's 12th birthday!
....or she could wait until the 22nd and have him/her on cousin Jamie's birthday.
(that's a long wait...I'm just sayin')

There are 11 girl grandchildren and 3 boys.
What do you think it will be?
We can't wait!


  1. I beg your pardon, but you have forgotten a very very important date, December 28th. Maybe you just thoughten that only one special person could have such date. (just kidden)....



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