Wada Test

We leave today for the Wada test which occurs tomorrow.  The city is great, but I miss Eva.


  1. Wada you mean? I wada been there to visit my nephew and I wada had a coffee with him, but I wada not misplaced my car.

    (any grin on any faces?)
    off to take kids to a field trip (I wada like to skip field trips)


    Wada Badu

  2. Lincoln, you are truly my hero. I know I could not sit or lay still for one and one-half hours no matter what treat they promised. Keep up the good work, and tell mom she has to relax (easy to say ) You are in the best hospital with the best doctors. Hang in there Murph, the end of all this is almost here.
    Eva says hi! Just ate, now playing on the Mac. See you Friday. Good luck tomorrow
    WADA WADA!!!!
    Love you to the moon and back (you know I bet you will someday go to the moon Lincoln)
    Love to all
    Momma B

  3. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Wada you mean they're gonna shave his groin area and stick a needle in it?????

    I think those doctors are pervs!!!!! or maybe not.

    How'd it go? I might just shave my groin area in solidarity! hugs sp

  4. Hey Lincoln, Geoff here - using Scott's log on to say hey - you must really love New York City, every time you head there they do weird stuff to you - hang in there - we're way out in California thinking of you all the time.

    In fact I was talking to my class about you yesterday.... A couple kids asked if you read the book "The City of Ember" - they really liked it (your Uncle Scott even read it!!!!) - there's a series of books and a movie (but the movie doesn't follow the book very well, the books are better).

    lots of love - Geoff


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