Pre-WADA testing at NYU

We were at a new part of the hospital for this test. We walked into a very dark, dingy foyer. Florescent lights.... just horrific. I am really affected by lights (or lack there of), colors and windows (and their absence). I had a sinking feeling when we walked in...and then I looked to the right. There within this basement dungeon was a oasis of LIFE. When we walked in we were hit in the face with that wonderful moist air that you find in greenhouses. A public radio station was playing something classic and soothing, and a fountain trickled continuously. There were birds... A cockatoo named Petey who talked to us, finches and band doves that cooed so beautifully I thought their song was fake. There was a large rabbit, a turtle, koi fish and even a limon - who even knew there was such a thing?! How crazy, right. What a contrast to what we originally walked into.

I tried to snap a quick picture of the dark hospital corridor but was caught by a security guard. Really wanted to show the juxstapositon (how’s that for an art word? My entire Bachelor’s was not a waste after all ; )


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