avengers :earth's mightiest heros

there's this show on disney XD called avengers : earth's mightiest heros and I love it so much that i have every episode recorded , today i played an avengers game on disney XD.com and I kick butt at it.

It is awesome having no seizures but the only sucky part about it is that I have to do work with my hand. I just want to let it chiiiillll.

(mom took over typing while L dictated because this kid has got to get to bed. He has to be up by 4:30am for our trip to NYU)


  1. Great job kicking butt on Avengers!!

    Having no seizures kicks even better butt! :-)

    And working with your hand even though you would rather not... superpower butt kicking!

    Proud of you buddy!


  2. You got a big smile from him here, Auntie Kara.


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