The Bald Eagle

Lincoln's ...ummm.. how do I describe this??.. his spirit totem?? is the Bald Eagle.. One of Steph's cousins sent us this link and I shared it with my students and colleagues-- We've been following along.. One of the three eggs have hatched--the eaglet is BEAUTIFUL (of course!) and the doting parents are amazing and beautiful, too (wait a second... this is starting to sound like a metaphor!! ;) ) The link to the Norfolk (VA) Botanical Gardens' Eagle Cam is embedded in the title of this post above (click on "The Bald Eagle"). I also included a still shot of the first feeding from the same site. I think they should name one of the eaglets "Lincoln"... but I might have a small bias... Enjoy!


  1. So cool! I actually saw a bald eagle the other day down at the beach. I t was just sitting on top of the light pole1 Then it flew away over the water it was BEAUTIFUL!


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