Cast off .... Contact Guard On

Well, I'm still not thrilled about the contact guard assist and I'm purposely limiting what I say here because I did threaten the school that I would contact my lawyer (camera pans to Andy's rolling eyes - I promised him that I would LISTEN during our meeting with the physical therapist and school administrators.  That little diddy slipped out before we were even a full minute into the meeting).  So I'm not going to comment about the fact that Lincoln is being physically held while he walks through the halls of the school just yet - in case my words are used against me in a court of law ; ).  But I will in time.  I will say this though:  One of the aides who "assists" him while he walks is a beautiful young woman.  She told him that she had to hold onto his arm while he walks.  To this he replied, "Don't get any ideas."  The kid does have a great sense of humor.

His cast is off and his doctor said the xray looks very good.  We're being very proactive now and making sure that he always has his wrist brace on.  If he had it on 7 weeks ago I'm pretty sure that the fracture wouldn't have occurred.  You live, you learn....but UUUGGHHHH.

We cut his after school physical therapy down to two days a week and he's going to try swimming lessons on one of the days that he would have been at PT.   He is slowly beginning to realize that he has to exercise to get strong. If he's strong he'll be more independent (i.e, NO CONTACT GUARD).  This idea hasn't fully congealed with him yet, but it's starting to sink in.
We'll keep you posted.


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