Love Love Love These Two! (and of course the guy in the middle!)
James and Meg are Lincoln's "interventionists".
In a word, they are AMAZING.
In only two weeks they have changed my boy's life.
He is loving camp.
Tired yes, but very, very happy.
He has worked on zipping and buttoning JEANS and using a belt to keep them up.
He can do all of this independently now.
No more elastic-waist athletic pants - unless he chooses.
That's it!
He has a CHOICE now.
He is also working on buttoning a shirt.
He is making such progress!
He's done so much more, but it is late (for me) and I am tired so I will fill you in later.
I am so very proud of Lincoln and so deeply grateful to Dr. Gordon, James, Meg, Bhavini and everyone else at Columbia Teachers College for this experience.
To all those that have helped Lincoln these last three weeks this grandmother cannot be more grateful. Thank you for your dedication and patience, and Lincoln - yes you are AWESOME!